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tonight will be the night
that i would fall for you,
over again, don't make me change my mind.
or i won't live to see another day
i swear it's true
because a girl like you is impossible to find

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HI! PPL!@! Happy late new year
<$BlogDateHeaderDate$>8:44 AM
sry for the super super super super super super late post
I was playing getamped -.-
tommorow will be the first day of school
A whole new life in a whole new school =P
those who I've met in KHS, (remember) you will always be my frens no matter what
Well, i cant play from now on but i can still blog =P
all work and no play makes me a dumb boy
today is just a normal day, as usual ate breakfast, went for tuition(chinese), ate lunch, served the net, slept, ate dinner, blogged, blogged, watched happy tree frens, changed blog skin, bloggin..
Merry late Christmas and a Happy late new year =P